Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Female Captain part 1

A female Captain

It was dawn, I had fallen asleep crying, watching the sunset. It was such a peaceful, beautiful morning; it was hard to believe it was only yesterday that almost all of my village had died.

I walked around looking at the damage. All of my friends and family were dead., gone forever. My mother, and my 2 brothers were laying beside me. I couldn’t bear to look.

“There is no turning back now.” I thought. It was then while I was looking to the horizon I thought about my uncertain future. An ocean breeze seemed to be calling my name, drawing me further from my home, and closer to the never ending crash of the oceans waves.

I ran as fast as my young, 12 year old legs would carry me. The crashing was getting so loud, I could almost feel the rhythm of the waves pulsing through me. I pulled away a few bushes, and then, at last I had reached the ocean!

As I trudged through the wet sand, and felt the salty sea air, I realized something. ‘I am free!” I smiled as I took of my shoes, and felt the sand between my toes. I lay there, motionless on the beach for hours, enjoying my freedom. I almost forgot what had happened to my beloved home.

I looked again at the sea, but this time, there was something there! Is it my imagination? I wondered. But no, it wasn’t my imagination! What was just a mere dot on the horizon seemed to change right before my eyes. It was a ship.

When the ship finally made port nearby, I noticed something. I squinted my eyes, trying to keep the sand out. I almost screamed with fright when I saw it. “Pirates!”

I was scared, I wanted so badly to run away. But when I turned my head around, I saw a very ugly man. I screamed but it did me no good for he had cupped his grimy hands around my mouth. I struggled to break free, however all I got was a pirate like response.

“Lesson number one lass, Don’t freeze with fear!” he laughed a very evil laugh.

“Let me go!” I screamed. He tied me up and threw me into his dirty, slimy cabin.

“Oh, and don’t bother cryin’. Or me crew will take care of that. Savvy?” The ugly man cackled. I wanted so badly to cry. my family was dead , my freedom was gone. However, I did what was told, for I didn’t know what he meant by “me crew will take care of it” and I certainly didn’t want to find out.

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