Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2-14-07 topic Cats VS dogs

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Of all the animals I've ever seen, the most opposites you can get are cats and dogs. Een though they have their differences, Thats what makes them unique!

Dogs are loyal, will stay with you when danger comes.

Cats will stay with you when ever they please. If Danger approaches, they will flee.

Dogs love company, and will take a burglar as a best friend.

Cats are careful who they trust as a "friend".

Dogs will play all the time. Dusk 'till dawn.

Cats, however would rather take a nap and lie in the sun for hours at a time.

Dogs eat all their food in one sitting.

Cats will take their time, and come back all day.

Dogs love to chew things up.

Cats couldnt care less.

Dogs consider us their masters.

Cats consider us their "slaves".

Dogs think of us as a "god".

Cats know they rule over us as a "god."

Dogs help save lives.

Cats don't really care and would rather take a nap.

Dogs need bathes, and smell. they dont really care how muddy they are.

Cats love to groom themselves. They always want to look their best!

Dogs are very social.

Cats usually hate other cats.

Dogs depend on us.

Cats are independent. they have thir own little world.

Even though they are different, they are both great animals. Some people prefer cats, others dogs. Maybe they choose do to their personalities. Can you find traits of both cats in dogs in your personality? I bet you have a few personality traits that are the same as cats AND dogs.
not just one. a little thing to think about. Which one's better. You decide. I myself think they equal out the same.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

1-7-07 topic: What makes me happy/ Having fun

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Lots of things make me happy. Here are a list of a few of them.

I am happy a lot of times.

It isn't easy for people to see a frown on my face.

This is because so many things make me happy.

Seeing movies that make me want to cry, not of sadness, but of laughter.

Seeing my friends smiling faces, comforts me.

Going to the movies with people I know.

Just being with my friends gives me a god feeling, I can't explain.

Smelling flowers on a beautiful spring morning.

Having fun doing summer sports.

Playing tag with my friends.

Making the best of a bad situation.

Listening to beautiful sounds.

Hearing a bird chirping in a tree in my backyard.

Opening a present on my birthday.

Talking, and not always making sense.

Spending a nice day outdoors with friends.

Playing with my dogs.

Taking time out of a long day to relax.

Listening to a funny joke.

Laughing at stupid things and mistakes I did that day.

Reading a good book, that has a plot that makes you want to read more.

Meeting new friends. and sharing stories with them.

Hearing the bell that sends students into a stampede louder than a herd of buffalo waiting to escape the prison they have been held in until 2:45.

Taking care of my animals who depend on me. I get my 15 minutes of "fame" in their eyes.

Enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

This is only some of things that make me happy. This is how I live, and it's what I live for. I don't know how I could live without it. Happiness and fun.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

1-6-07 topic: Holocaustst heroes

Please Read

am going to take more time to remember those who were in the holocaust. It is a very sad story. As many as 6 million jews died. :(

Today I learned something that I will remember forever. In Mr.Carmody's class, when we had the time, I picked up a book. The book was about Holocaust survivors. I thought, "Hey, this will be interesting to read." so I took the time to read it for the rest of the period.

The minute I flipped to chapter one, I was shocked. Survivors talk about the gruesome smell. They say they could smell the people burning in the gas chamber.

This made me want to be sick, as I cannot even imagine this. If I knew what this was, and I was there, I would be terrified. Some jews commited suicide! Hey, I think I might have too, eventually.

The nazis and workers picked out the young and strong to do slave labor. The elderly or sick were sent to the gas chambers, or were shot on sight.

Another thing That I thouight was so nasty, was how they gassed them. Apparently, The jews were told they were going to a "bath-house" and were even led down a hall that looked like a bath-house. When the jews got into the small area, the nazis locked the room. They then dropped poison pellets into the phony shower room.Whats worse is some people watched their fellow human beings suffer! This is so wrong.

The worse part of this was they thrived off the jews' deaths! They got pretty much everything they could sell. Nazis looked in peoples dead mouths for gold tooth caps. Anything they could find was shipped to German banks. Talk about nasty. They would also sell the peoples clothes to Germans. They used the skin to make lamp shades. They used hair to stuff pillows. The childrens toys were re-sold to German kids. How could somebody do this? They are people like us, and even after death should have been treated with respect!

All I can hope from this, is that it never, ever happens again. Lets hope we have learned from this mistake.

Some info from the Belsen Death Camp I saw... :

Monday, February 5, 2007

2-5-07 Topic: Anne Frank

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Today I am going to take the time to remember Anne Frank.

Anne Frank was born in Germany, and lived in Frankfurt,Germany with her sister, Margot, her mother and her father.

Unfortunately, they had to move when Hitler came into power, because they were jews.

They had many rules to follow, and even had to go to different schools than the Christians.

Anne got a diary for her 13th birthday.

Soon, the Frank family had to go into hiding.

They wern't alone. They had to share a cramped "House" with the Van Pels (AKA the Van Daans) who were made of 3 people. Later on. yet another person, Mr.Dussel had to share the already cramped space with them. They also had Peter's cat, Moushi with them.

Anne Frank often thought of the way life used to be. The Outside world she longed to return to.

At first, Anne really disliked Peter, but eventually fell in love with him. As Mrs.Frank says, it just added more stress into the pile.

At one point, Mr.Van Pel started stealing food! The family already had a meager portion. Mrs.Frank who usually was pretty cool about things completely lost her cool. She almost kicked Mr. and Mrs. Van Pels out!

One day a man came and started blackmailing Mr.Kraler. He said he knew where the hide-out was.

Unfortunately, the families were caught. They were seperated and sent to different concentration camps. Luckily, Margot and Anne were somehow able to remain together.

Sadly, Margot caught Tiphus, a VERY contagious disease. Anne took care of her until she died. Anne caught the disease. She died sometime in March.

The saddest things are: Anne died just a few weeks before the war ended. Also, Mr.Frank was the only survivor, along with Miep.

Dedicated to Anne Frank and her friends and family.