Monday, February 5, 2007

2-5-07 Topic: Anne Frank

Please read :)

Today I am going to take the time to remember Anne Frank.

Anne Frank was born in Germany, and lived in Frankfurt,Germany with her sister, Margot, her mother and her father.

Unfortunately, they had to move when Hitler came into power, because they were jews.

They had many rules to follow, and even had to go to different schools than the Christians.

Anne got a diary for her 13th birthday.

Soon, the Frank family had to go into hiding.

They wern't alone. They had to share a cramped "House" with the Van Pels (AKA the Van Daans) who were made of 3 people. Later on. yet another person, Mr.Dussel had to share the already cramped space with them. They also had Peter's cat, Moushi with them.

Anne Frank often thought of the way life used to be. The Outside world she longed to return to.

At first, Anne really disliked Peter, but eventually fell in love with him. As Mrs.Frank says, it just added more stress into the pile.

At one point, Mr.Van Pel started stealing food! The family already had a meager portion. Mrs.Frank who usually was pretty cool about things completely lost her cool. She almost kicked Mr. and Mrs. Van Pels out!

One day a man came and started blackmailing Mr.Kraler. He said he knew where the hide-out was.

Unfortunately, the families were caught. They were seperated and sent to different concentration camps. Luckily, Margot and Anne were somehow able to remain together.

Sadly, Margot caught Tiphus, a VERY contagious disease. Anne took care of her until she died. Anne caught the disease. She died sometime in March.

The saddest things are: Anne died just a few weeks before the war ended. Also, Mr.Frank was the only survivor, along with Miep.

Dedicated to Anne Frank and her friends and family.

1 comment:

Mr. Carmody said...

Your last comment is far too make it through so much and then to miss being 'liberated' by less than a month or so.
