Tuesday, January 30, 2007

1-30-07 Topic: Animal friend Part 1.

Please read! :)

Okay. This is part one of my 'Animal friends' section. Ill post the second half tommorow. Unfortunately, some people have friends like these! :(
Luckily, I dont have friends like these.

Animal friends are wild.

They party from dusk until dawn, and don't give a care.

They could care less about what you have to say.

They are snobs, and are just out to hurt you.

They tell mean jokes, just to make others feel upset.

They talk about you behind your back.

They are not trustworthy.

They snitch on you.

They lie.

They say They're your friends, but are really out to get you.

They remind me of a snake. Just waiting for the right moment to attack.

They are worse in groups. Like a pack of rabid wolves just ready to take you down.

They won't help you when you need it most.

They laugh in your time of need.

They leave you when you are in trouble.

They set you up for a crime.

They won't listen to you.

They judge you on what you wear.

They hold you back.

They pick at your weaknesses like a vulture pecks on a dying animal.

If you have friends, do yourself good. Find somebody else. I know you can do better than that.


Kat said...

This took me a while to write, as I hit a writers block... ugghhh...
Oh well. i like it. :)

Mr. Carmody said...

I completely understand what you're saying about writer's block. Sometimes it just stops you cold.

And the trick for me is to give my brain a rest, but to be sure that I actually do go back and finish what I was supposed to!